Trusted engineers with decades of experience

for Natural Building Solutions

Join us in promoting sustainable construction practices across Canada with natural building materials.


CANBE is the Canadian Alliance for Natural Building Engineering, a dynamic nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the appropriate use of natural materials in construction through research, consulting, and public engagement with a friendly approach.

En français, nous sommes CBIEN, la Coalition pour le Bâtiment et l’Ingénierie avec l’Environnement Naturel.

Natural building materials are diverse, ranging from cob to straw bale, hempcrete to wood fiber batts, rammed earth to clay 3D printing, and many others.  

CANBE members are experienced consulting engineers and design professionals specializing in natural material use. CANBE is pleased to offer the technical expertise necessary to design sustainable and regionally appropriate structures to simultaneously benefit people and planet.

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Part of the Solution

Natural building materials are part of the solution to many challenges we facing society today and for generations to come. 

CANBE’s mission is to educate and empower Canadians to embrace natural building systems for a healthier, more regenerative future. 

With a focus on innovation and sustainability, CANBE is positioning itself to lead the proliferation of natural building design and construction practices from coast to coast. 

We are committed to accelerating Canada’s adoption of natural building materials and methods by working collaboratively with individuals, governments, and organizations across Canada to enable local and system-wide solutions.

The CANBE Team

CANBE members are experienced consulting engineers and design professionals specializing in natural material use. They stand at the ready to offer the technical expertise necessary to design sustainable and regionally appropriate structures to simultaneously benefit people and planet.

Anthony Spick

P.Eng. Anthony Spick Engineer​

Anthony’s interest and expertise in sustainable design practice, natural building structure and other unconventional structural systems has led to collaborations on groundbreaking projects across Canada for more than 20 years.

Christina Goodvin

B.Eng., M.A.Sc., P.D.C., P.Eng. Candidate,
Goodvin Designs and 3D Space Terraform Inc.

Over the last 12 years Christina has specialized in natural/alternative materials use in construction, including expertise in hempcrete design and envelope performance, as well as construction 3D printing applications of earthen materials and biofibers like hempcrete.

Elli Terwiel

OLY, P.E., MMIE, P.Eng. Candidate​

Elli is a civil engineer with over 7 years of specialized structural experience in natural building materials and systems, including strawbale, cob, rammed earth, earth masonry unit, heavy timber, and adobe.

Tim Krahn

P. Eng., Building Alternatives​

Tim specializes in engineering design using low-embodied energy, low carbon emission materials such as wood, earth, stone, straw, clay, hemp, and lime. Focused on energy and material efficiency and sustainability in the built environment.

Mark Fleischhaker

P.Eng., Metaphystations Structural Engineering & Design.

For more than 14 years, Mark has contributed to over 150 construction projects throughout Canada (and a handful internationally) that showcase the spectrum of sustainability principles.

Get in Touch

Send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Coming Soon

Website in Development

This is our initial introduction and commitment to Canadians. But, we’re just getting started! We will be continuing to grow and expand our website, so stay tuned for more updates and developments.

Our Future Plans

In the near future we hope to share our code change work, our survey to assemble a directory of natural building projects in Canada, and our appropriate materials bioregional map.

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